明尼苏达城市保险信托联盟 校董会 evaluates loss projections every year to ensure premium rates are adequately set to respond to future claims. If estimates and members’ losses are better than projected, 额外节省的款项可退还给会员(learn more about the dividend being returned for 2023) or added to the Trust’s fund balance for the purpose of saving money for members in other ways, 比如信托承担了更多风险.

The following provides information about premium rates going into effect for property/casualty coverages renewing on or after Nov. 15, 2023, and for workers’ compensation coverages renewing on or after Jan. 1, 2024.



Coverage is tailored specifically for Minnesota cities and related entities like housing and redevelopment authorities, 联合权力组织, 以及其他特殊地区和机构. It’s broader than commercial policies and includes coverage for property losses, 债券, 综合市政负债, 汽车, cyber-related索赔, 酒责任, 还有更多.

Learn more about the types of entities that can participate in the Trust.


Rates are set at a level to generate enough premium to cover:

  • Expected claim costs for the year based on actuaries’ calculations.
  • A contingency margin to protect the Trust and its members from the possibility that losses will be higher than expected.
  • 预计管理费用.


利率将平均下降0.75%. The following list includes specific rate changes by coverage area.

  • 负债率将平均下降6%. 这包括:
    • 雇佣责任率降低10%.
    • 下水道备用责任率降低15%.
    • An 11% decrease in annual expenditure-based rates for cities.
    • 警察责任费率不变, 土地使用诉讼, or annual expenditure-based rates for special purpose entities.
  • 自动物理伤害增加10%.
  • 汽车责任率将提高5%.
  • Excess liability (optional coverage) rates will increase 3%.
  • 财产险或其他险别费率不变.


Premiums will also be affected by factors such as a member’s changes in expenditures, 属性值, 工资, 经历评级, 和其他人. 联系 the Trust’s underwriting staff for questions about member-specific rates.

与承销商联系 (选择“部门”下的“承保”).


The Trust works with an actuary to help project future claim costs, 这反过来又推动了保费. Here’s what is happening in the property/casualty program:

  • 财产保险的费率不会改变, 包括流动财产, 因为预计损失成本是稳定的.
  • The varying decreases in liability rates will better align projected liability premiums with actual loss costs.
  • 汽车 rates are increasing because of increased loss patterns and, 比如私人市场, 通胀压力.
  • The 3% rate increase for excess liability is due to increased rates from the Trust’s reinsurer for that line of coverage.

会员可以查看他们的损失 LMCIT会员中心. 联系高级商业分析师Lena Gould (电子邮件保护) or (651) 281-1245 to learn more about Trust members’ loss patterns as a whole.



Workers’ compensation provides coverage for members that have employees who are injured while in the course and scope of employment.


Rates are set at a level to generate enough premium to cover:

  • Expected claim costs for the year based on actuaries’ calculations.
  • A contingency margin to protect the Trust and its members from the possibility that losses will be higher than expected.
  • 计划的行政费用.




Premiums will also be affected by factors like changes in a member’s expenditures, 非农就业人数, 经验费率, 以及其他暴露措施. Members and agents can contact their underwriter for member-specific details.

Learn how 经历评级 are used to adjust members’ future premiums.

与承销商联系 (选择“部门”下的“承保”).


The primary reason for the 15% rate decrease is because the development on members’ claim experience was favorable in 2022 and 2023, both on new claims received by the Trust and on case reserves for claims occurring prior to June 30, 2022.

In recent years the Trust has communicated with members about the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) claims for public safety on the Trust’s workers’ compensation program. Premium rate increases have been necessary because these claims became a significant portion of the Trust’s costs claim patterns; however, both PTSD and non-PTSD claims have changed the course of future claim projections, 至少在2024年.

PTSD是否存在以及如何发生, 其他类型的申索, or legislative changes will affect workers’ compensation rates in the future is impossible to know with certainty. There’s inherent unpredictability in managing risk and knowing the cost of future claims. The Trust evaluates claim patterns through data analyses and actuarial projections to set premium rates as responsibly as possible. 信托基金也有项目, 服务, and staff available to help members control all types of claims — from back injuries to land use and everything in between.

Learn more about the new public safety duty disability law aimed at curbing the number of public safety employees leaving their professions because of mental injuries.


会员可以查看他们的损失 LMCIT会员中心. 联系高级商业分析师Lena Gould (电子邮件保护) or (651) 281-1245 to learn more about Trust members’ loss patterns as a whole.


不抽烟的人信用: There is a discount in the workers’ compensation rate for firefighters and police officers if members can assert 90% of their departments are nonsmokers. The rate credit will decrease from 10% to 5% because a recent evaluation shows members with “nonsmoking” departments have worse claim experience than “smoking” departments. Because of this, the nonsmoking credit will be phased out and discontinued on Jan. 1, 2025.

体验等级: 一些次要的, primarily technical changes will be made to the Trust’s 经验费率 formula for 2024 to align with revised industry standards.

了解更多关于经验评级 或与承销经理利亚姆·比弗联系 (电子邮件保护) 或(651)281-1212了解更多细节.